Beyond the Visible: Crafting Inclusive WordPress Events for Those with Invisible Illnesses and Chronic Disabilities

I am thrilled to share my recent experience as a speaker at the virtual WordPress Accessibility Day. It was an honor to be part of an event that is so close to my heart and aligns with my advocacy for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIBDEIB DEIB stands for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.) in the WordPress community.

In my presentation, titled “Beyond the Visible: Crafting Inclusive WordPress Events for Those with Invisible Illnesses and Chronic Disabilities,” I delved into the often overlooked aspect of accessibility – catering to those with invisible illnesses and chronic disabilities.

Invisible illnesses and chronic disabilities, though not immediately apparent, can significantly impact an individual’s participation and experience at events. During the presentation, I shared insights on the unique challenges faced by individuals with conditions like chronic fatigue, mental health disorders, and neurological diseases, among others.

I also offered practical strategies for both virtual and in-person WordPress event organizers, attendees, and volunteers to enhance inclusivity and accessibility. The goal is to foster a welcoming environment where every voice is heard, and every experience is valued.

For those who missed the live session or wish to revisit the insights shared, worry not! The recording of the talk will soon be available on the WordPress Accessibility Day website.

Slides of the presentation

I am also excited to share the slides from my presentation, which are downloadable here.

I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this essential conversation. Let’s continue working together to make WordPress events spaces where everyone, regardless of their health conditions or disabilities, can thrive and contribute their invaluable perspectives.

Stay tuned for more updates, and let’s keep the conversation going!

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